Striving to improve healthcare in Bali By Ni Nubia Kaba As part of its focus on promoting health and wellness within the Bali community in Bali and the USA, the health committee organizes health screenings, provides health tips and also oversees the procurement and delivery of medical supplies for healthcare facilities in Bali. Thanks to the generous donation of BCA members and supporters, the committee was able to deliver medical supplies to the Integrated Health Centre at Bohsa in 2015 where they staff were deeply grateful. On behalf of the staff of Bohsa Integrated Health Center and all the patients seen at this facility, we say a big thank you to all who donated in support of this project. The committee conducted a health screening at the Catholic Hospital Wo'on where participants were screened for hypertension, obesity and diabetes by volunteers from BCA. Thank you to all who volunteered on the day. One of the major challenges facing the committee is to raise funds to acquire much needed supplies for these under resourced healthcare facilities. While we continue to seek ways to raise funds to enable us acquire and deliver medical supplies to health care facilities in Bali, we also recommend that the budget for the Health Committee be increased substantially, in order for the committee to be able to carry out reasonable and effective health projects in Bali. During the convention in Atlanta, we would be running a fundraising drive called “Leave your change behind for health” in order to raise funds for health projects in Bali. Every little donation helps us toward accomplishing our goals. Committee Members Lusia Fomuso (Chair), Northern Texas Chapter Bola Fongod (Health Committee Secretary), Southern Texas Chapter Kuna Titamohkumi, Oklahoma Chapter Florence Bassa, Northern Chapter Beatrice Tangeh, Southern Texas Chapter Joseph Fomukong, Southern Texas Chapter Augustine Njinjoh, Eastern Chapter Candice Ngwa, Northern Texas Chapter BALI HEALTH FAIR PHOTOS [envira-gallery id="1641"]
Read MoreTo enhance the education of Bali children by promoting educational achievement and literacy for children at the elementary and secondary school levels. Chair: Ma Bola Njinimbam Contact:
Read MoreTo promote the Bali Culture in the Diaspora by planning, organizing and executing the Cultural Night during each Convention. The committee also advises the different Chapters on ways to promote Bali Culture. Chair: Ni Derick Nchamukong Vice Chair: Tita Nyuga Galega Vice Chair: Ni Derrick Fossem Contact:
Read MoreTo foster a cohesive community by coordinating social activities and events that promote the social well-being of members. The responsibilities of the committee include: Serve as MC (Master of Ceremony) for all events in which BCA-USA has a lead role. Brainstorm, execute and implement ideas for the association's social events Plan and organize babysitting during the annual convention Inform members about individual and group news/happenings To recognize the efforts and talents of members through awards during the annual convention. To provide mentorship to BCA USA young adults and young professionals. Chair: Ma Kuna Titamohkumi Contact:
Read MoreCoordinate planning, development and implementation of BCA’s communication and marketing strategies with a focus on consistently informing BCA’s membership, and enhancing BCA‐USA’s visibility within the broader community. Chair: Ma Christine Titih Vice Chair: Ma Irene Tita Contact:
Read MoreCommittee Plan of Action Fishnet Project Phase 3 Review of Phases 1 & 2 Refining the follow up/monitoring of beneficiaries Deadline: Oct 31, enroll students in November Balumoh Scholars Program Get solidified plan with Education Committee Deadline: Oct 31, enroll students in December Projects Committee Chair: Ni Kennedy Nyongbela Projects Committee Email Address:
Read MoreTo oversee project management and program development for the MPC. These include the following: Complete Landscaping by December 2018 Go Live / operational January 2019 Complete Road to MPC by December 2019 Chair: Ba Nkom Gwanbidbila Ngati Contact: [envira-gallery id="907"]
Read MoreTo raise funds for the association to meet its goals. Committee focus includes writing grant proposals to different foundations, organizing traditional fundraising like dance parties in different cities, production of memento and exploring other innovative strategies using existing tax code provisions, etc. Since 2010, the committee has focused on raising funds towards the completion of the Bali Multipurpose Center (MPC) project. Chair: Ni Simon Nukuna Contact:
Read MoreTo identify organizational issues and processes for improvement and make recommendations to committees and the National Executive. Chair: Ma Usula Fombon Contact:
Read MoreTo oversee membership recruitment and retention. Chair: ma Kehmia Tangeh Contact:
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