• PO BOX 1602 SPRING, TX 77383
  • info@bca-usa.org

National Executive Committee

The National Executive Committee is the executing organ of the Association. It is composed of members of the National Executive Office, chairs of permanent and ad-hoc committees, chapter presidents or representatives and a youth representative.  NEC membership 2022 – 2024

National Executives
National Presidentba Fomukong Josephpresident@bca-usa.org
National Vice PresidentMa Valeria Awah Ngafor vicepresident@bca-usa.org
Secretary GeneralNi Godlove Gwaabesecretarygeneral@bca-usa.org
TreasurerMa Victorine Takamtreasurer@bca-usa.org
Financial ControllerNi Isidore Gana Fokumfinancialcontroller@bca-usa.org
Publicity SecretaryNi Patrick Nyugapublicity@bca-usa.org
Chief Protocol OfficerMa Dylis Fossungchiefwhip@bca-usa.org
National Youth Wing President--youth@bca-usa.org
Carolinas Chapter PresidentNi Collins Doh
Eastern Chapter PresidentNi Augustine Njinjoh
Great Lakes Chapter PresidentMa Tema Pefok
New England Chapter PresidentMa Judith Fokum
Oklahoma Chapter PresidentMa Bilola Fogam
Northern California Chapter PresidentNi Godwin Kaba
Northern Chapter PresidentNi Sam Dinga
Midwest Chapter PresidentMa Lilian Fokwang
Northern TX Chapter PresidentNi Julius Nsah
North Eastern Chapter PresidentNi Bekia Fossam
South Eastern Chapter PresidentBa Fobesi
Southern Texas Chapter PresidentNi Francis Fokwang
Southern California Chapter PresidentMa Kahlang Fondong
FundraisingNi Simon Nukunafundraisingcommittee@bca-usa.org
CultureNi Derick Nchamukongculture@bca-usa.org
Development (Projects)Ni Kennedy Nyongbelaprojects@bca-usa.org
HealthMa Lusia Fomusohealth@bca-usa.org
EducationMa Bola Njinimbameducation@bca-usa.org
MembershipMa Kehmia Tangehmembership@bca-usa.org
Social/AwardsMa Kuna Titamohkumisocialcommittee@bca-usa.org
Process ImprovementMa usula Fombonprocessimprovement@bca-usa.org
Communications (Publications) CommitteeMa Christine Titihpublicationscommittee@bca-usa.org
Constitution & ElectoralNi Jude Fokwangconstitution@bca-usa.org
Adhoc Committees
MPC ProjectBa Nkom Gwanbidbilamultipurposecenter@bca-usa.org
BCA FoundationBa Nkom Gwanbidpuabcafoundation@bca-usa.org
Bali Humanitarian Relief Fund Ma Pam Fomunungbhrf@bca-usa.org
Nkap Ntod Ma Valeria Awah NgaforNkapNtod@bca-usa.org